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+61 3 5350 2302

Student Leadership

The importance of student leadership is recognised by Lake Bolac College with an annual whole school Leadership Induction Assembly. Leadership opportunities are not just confined to formal positions in the college, but are provided to all students. The Colleges hope is that by providing a leadership focus it will enhance all students' understanding of their ability to influence change within their school and community and act on this.
Lake Bolac College runs one SLG group, consisting of student captains. The students meet once a month to nominate students and staff who are demonstrating the College Values, express concerns raised by the students or suggest fundraising ideas. These fundraising ideas are then organised by the students. The money raised may be for the school, for example a disco, or for a charity organisation, e.g. Red Nose Day.

College Captains

College Captains are selected via a rigorous process of application, interview and election. They are expected to represent the interests of the students and to exercise leadership within the College and wider community.

Sports Captains 

Elected by students to represent the College at inter College sporting activities.

Form/Class Captains

Elected by the students of that year level. They assist the Form Teacher where necessary and represent their year level at meetings of the SLG.

Bus Captains

Are nominated by the Principal and the bus coordinator at the beginning of the year. Their tasks are to mark the bus rolls daily, to assist the driver in the maintenance of good conduct on the bus, and to report breaches of bus rules.
Contact Us
90 Montgomery Street
Lake Bolac, Victoria 3351
Phone: +61 3 5350 2302
Fax: +61 3 5350 2411